Present day distribution and historical biogeography of the tribu Ophidiini (Ophidiformes, Ophidiidae, Ophidiinae) from the East Tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA area) and North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean (CLOFNAM area) |
Matallanas García, Jesús
; Casadevall, Margarida
Primeres dades sobre la reproducció de Scorpaena Notata (Pisces, Teleosti) en el Mediterrani Occidental |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Bonet, Sergi
1996 |
Primeres dades sobre la reproducció de Scorpaena Notata (Pisces, Teleosti) en el Mediterrani Occidental |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Muñoz, M.
; Bonet i Marull, Sergi
1996 |
Primeres dades sobre la reproducció de Scorpaena Notata (Pisces, Teleosti) en el Mediterrani Occidental |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Bonet, Sergi
1996 |
Primeres dades sobre la reproducció de Scorpaena Notata (Pisces, Teleosti) en el Mediterrani Occidental |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Bonet, Sergi
22 novembre 2008 |
Què es pescava i què es pesca a Palamós (o el que veiem els biòlegs als fulls de subhasta) |
Casadevall, Margarida
2001 |
The reproductive cycle of Ophichthus rufus (Pisces: Anguilliformes) in the NW Mediterranean |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Carrasson, M.
; Matallanas García, Jesús
The reproductive cycle of Ophichthus rufus (Pisces: Anguilliformes) in the NW Mediterranean |
Casadevall, Margarida
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Carrasson, M.
; Matallanas García, Jesús
juny 2016 |
Role of the SV2A protein in epilepsy and Alzheimer’s mouse models |
Sánchez Gil, Judit
Role of the SV2A protein in epilepsy and Alzheimer’s mouse models |
Sánchez Gil, Judit
La Sardina (Sardina pilchardus): estudi de la condició fisiològica, parasitologia i durabilitat comercial |
Solés Tarrés, Irene
setembre 2016 |
La Sardina (Sardina pilchardus): estudi de la condició fisiològica, parasitologia i durabilitat comercial |
Solés Tarrés, Irene
2012 |
Sexual dimorphism of sonic apparatus and extreme intersexual variation of sounds in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae): first evidence of a tight relationship between morphology and sound characteristics in Ophidiidae |
Kéver, Loïc
; Boyle, Kelly S.
; Dragičević, Branko
; Dulčić, Jakov
; Casadevall, Margarida
; Parmentier, Eric
Sexual dimorphism of sonic apparatus and extreme intersexual variation of sounds in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae): first evidence of a tight relationship between morphology and sound characteristics in Ophidiidae |
Kéver, Loïc
; Boyle, Kelly S.
; Dragičević, Branko
; Dulčić, Jakov
; Casadevall, Margarida
; Parmentier, Eric
Sexual dimorphism of sonic apparatus and extreme intersexual variation of sounds in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae): first evidence of a tight relationship between morphology and sound characteristics in Ophidiidae |
Kéver, Loïc
; Boyle, Kelly S.
; Dragičević, Branko
; Dulčić, Jakov
; Casadevall, Margarida
; Parmentier, Eric
5 juny 2018 |
Sexual dimorphism of sonic apparatus and extreme intersexual variation of sounds in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae): first evidence of a tight relationship between morphology and sound characteristics in Ophidiidae |
Kéver, Loïc
; Boyle, Kelly S.
; Dragičević, Branko
; Dulčić, Jakov
; Casadevall, Margarida
; Parmentier, Eric
Some biological data on cetaceans populations present in the western coasts of Ireland |
Sarrà Alarcón, Lídia
febrer 2010 |
Some biological data on cetaceans populations present in the western coasts of Ireland |
Sarrà Alarcón, Lídia
15 febrer 2020 |
Some biological data on cetaceans populations present in the western coasts of Ireland |
Sarrà Alarcón, Lídia
2010 |
Spermiogenesis particularities of a sperm storage species: Helicolenus dactylopterus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) |
Vila Espuña, Sílvia
; Sàbat Bofill, Maria
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Casadevall, Margarida
Spermiogenesis particularities of a sperm storage species: Helicolenus dactylopterus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) |
Vila Espuña, Sílvia
; Sàbat Bofill, Maria
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Casadevall, Margarida
Spermiogenesis particularities of a sperm storage species: Helicolenus dactylopterus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) |
Vila Espuña, Sílvia
; Sàbat Bofill, Maria
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Casadevall, Margarida
5 juny 2018 |
Spermiogenesis particularities of a sperm storage species: Helicolenus dactylopterus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) |
Vila Espuña, Sílvia
; Sàbat Bofill, Maria
; Muñoz Frigola, Marta
; Casadevall, Margarida
16 octubre 2015 |
Towards the implementation of ecosystem management: a multi-level assessment of a small scale Mediterranean multi-specific fishery |
Dimitriadis, Caterina
Towards the implementation of ecosystem management: a multi-level assessment of a small scale Mediterranean multi-specific fishery |
Dimitriadis, Caterina